


Safety and Risk Management has developed a strategy for maintaining essential functions and business continuity during COVID-19.  We have identified services that can be supported remotely and have tested the resources and communication tools required to maintain these functions.  We have also identified tasks that cannot be performed remotely or moved off campus including functions in fire safety, laboratory safety, radiation safety and industrial hygiene.  Staff on these teams are designated essential personnel and are required to work during institutional closures. Each team has a plan to maintain critical functions through a series of escalated scenarios.

SRM has prioritized on-site staff to support both the health system and university in the following areas: fire safety, industrial hygiene, emergency response, chemical waste disposal and radiation safety operations.  In addition EHS will continue to provide research safety consultations, protocol review, and IBC/RSC committee operations remotely. Functions such as lab inspections and in-person training will be provided as resources permit.  There should be no disruption in service related to the review of protocols, though some processes might be slower than normal due to staff reallocation.

Information about the university's One VCU: Responsible Together plan for a phased return to campus is available at OneVCU: Responsible Together


We partner with the Virginia Commonwealth University community to promote and facilitate a positive, campuswide attitude of safety excellence and environmental stewardship to protect university assets and reduce risks.


Our staff provides expertise, services and consultations to assist organizations in achieving regulatory compliance and continuous improvement. To learn more, contact us.

Why It Matters

Everything we do is based on the belief that we all want to go home at the end of our work day as healthy and as safe as when we arrived at work.

Report An Incident




(804) 828-1234

(804) 828-9834


Non-Emergency numbers:

Fire, MCV Campus:
(804) 828-7899

Fire, Monroe Park Campus:
(804) 828-0040

(804) 828-9131

(804) 828-1392

(804) 828-4989
